Inspired by a recent article from the BBC entitled 100 Things You Didn't Know A Year Ago, here's my take on it as a way of saying goodbye to 2005.
10. Even in a clean and wholesome country like Temasek, corruption exist. No one uses the word but it is there. For the best example, please refer to exhibit A: TT Durai and his coterie of accomplices.
9. Men have a devastating effect on women. I've seen friends go from nice good people to depressed moody people all because of a guy. Don't think I need to give examples here as there are plenty all around.
8. Women have a devastating effect on men. I've seen friends (men this time) go all soft and gooey and teary all because a girl dumped him. You know who you are.
7. Flowers and paying special attention to someone do not score you the girl unless she already likes you. Actually I already knew this but I haven't put it to test for a few years until this year.
6. If your parent's try to set you up with someone and you are really obnoxious about it, be careful, retribution will come and the guy will have a damn good laugh with his parent's about it.
5. People who work in the Information System of a certain hospital grouping in Temasek are the dumbest lifeforms on the planet. Words fail to describe the level of idiocy observed in this group.
4. The Land Down Under has the world's most ridiculous approach to battling the war on drugs. If they are not careful, it's going to be druggie world down there sometime soon, if it isn't already.
3. All the so call popular Singapore bloggers, as in those that keep blowing their own horn, are among the most boring bloggers in the world. Which then makes the next blog aggregator site the ultimate most boring website in the world. Get over yourselves.
2. Certain women have the ability to shave most of the hairs of their legs except for one patch about 4 cm square which they then insist on displaying to whoever walks past. Eeeeew!!!
1. When you are in A Cesspool of Nicompoops, it doesn't really matter what you do because good work is never appreciated. Sucking up apparently goes a long way though. Sheesh!!!
Happy New Year 2006. Here's to discovering more stuff next year.
31 Dec 2005
23 Dec 2005
Once Upon a Time in Temasek
A long long time ago, in a country not so far away, there lived 2 men. They were good friends in university. After university, they both got married and slowly drifted apart. About 30 years, through a chance encounter, they met up and realise that one had a son and the other a daughter of about the same age who were yet to married. Both families thought it would be a good idea for their children to meet.
As both their children lived in Temasek, they needed to wait till both their children return to this country not so far away to arrange a meeting. A time was arranged, when the moon began afresh for the year and the man with the son took his son to visit the man with the daughter.
The strangest thing happen. While the man's son was more than willing to just meet the other man's daughter, this man's daughter refused to come down from the high pedestal which was the second floor of the man's house. The other man's son waited patiently while the man whose daughter and house it was, along with his wife, tried their best to coax his daughter of her high horse.
After many moons, when it became painfully obvious that the daughter would not come down, the man and his son left. The man, whose daughter it was, was very disappointed and so was his wife. Nothing more was thought of it by the other man and his son.
Fast forward the story 11 moons. The son, who is working in the island of Temasek, in an effort to expand his social circle (and also because of the constant coaxing from a close associate), engages the help of a professional friend maker to increase the number of friends he has. Unbeknowst to him, the daughter of the other man had also enlisted the help of the same professional friend maker for the same reason.
A meeting was arranged between the 2, without anyone realising the events of 11 moons past. The daughter and son met over a meal. From the word go, the son realised that this was a women he would not get along with. There was a snobbish air about her that was replusive. Little did the daughter know that this was the same person she was suppose to meet 11 moons ago.
They chatted as you would over dinner and said their goodbyes at the end. The son deciding that that would be the last she evers hears of him. On his way him, he sends a pigeon to his mother, telling her about the dinner that just ended. It was via the pigeon messages that he realise who the girl he just had dinner with was.
He start laughing. His mother start laughing and so does his father. To save the face of the other man as he was the son's father's good friend, they decided not to inform the other family about what had just transpired in the small island of Temasek.
The moral of the story is:
If you decide not to come downstairs, make sure you don't end up meeting the same guy again 11 moons later through a professional friend maker and end up with the guy thinking you are a snobbish fool.
As both their children lived in Temasek, they needed to wait till both their children return to this country not so far away to arrange a meeting. A time was arranged, when the moon began afresh for the year and the man with the son took his son to visit the man with the daughter.
The strangest thing happen. While the man's son was more than willing to just meet the other man's daughter, this man's daughter refused to come down from the high pedestal which was the second floor of the man's house. The other man's son waited patiently while the man whose daughter and house it was, along with his wife, tried their best to coax his daughter of her high horse.
After many moons, when it became painfully obvious that the daughter would not come down, the man and his son left. The man, whose daughter it was, was very disappointed and so was his wife. Nothing more was thought of it by the other man and his son.
Fast forward the story 11 moons. The son, who is working in the island of Temasek, in an effort to expand his social circle (and also because of the constant coaxing from a close associate), engages the help of a professional friend maker to increase the number of friends he has. Unbeknowst to him, the daughter of the other man had also enlisted the help of the same professional friend maker for the same reason.
A meeting was arranged between the 2, without anyone realising the events of 11 moons past. The daughter and son met over a meal. From the word go, the son realised that this was a women he would not get along with. There was a snobbish air about her that was replusive. Little did the daughter know that this was the same person she was suppose to meet 11 moons ago.
They chatted as you would over dinner and said their goodbyes at the end. The son deciding that that would be the last she evers hears of him. On his way him, he sends a pigeon to his mother, telling her about the dinner that just ended. It was via the pigeon messages that he realise who the girl he just had dinner with was.
He start laughing. His mother start laughing and so does his father. To save the face of the other man as he was the son's father's good friend, they decided not to inform the other family about what had just transpired in the small island of Temasek.
The moral of the story is:
If you decide not to come downstairs, make sure you don't end up meeting the same guy again 11 moons later through a professional friend maker and end up with the guy thinking you are a snobbish fool.
15 Dec 2005
A Tale of 2 Mice
Today I turn 29 and to be frank, it was the best 29th birthday a guy could get. Whoever wrote that it is the thought that counts hit the nail of the head. Of course, getting a great present helps a lot.....and did I get a great present!!!

My birthday present in broad daylight.

My birthday present with the lights off.
From the surprise on Saturday in Seremban to the dinner last night to the present today, it has truly been a memorable birthday. Thank you all very very much.

My birthday present in broad daylight.

My birthday present with the lights off.
From the surprise on Saturday in Seremban to the dinner last night to the present today, it has truly been a memorable birthday. Thank you all very very much.
30 Nov 2005
Meet the Liquefier
Monday I was hot stuff. Tuesday, I discovered a new skill. I'm the liquefier. Anything that goes into me, no matter how hard, tough or otherwise, gets liquefied within a matter of minutes. No blender could do a better job than I have been able to do the whole of Tuesday. After performing this act more times than I dare to remember, I am now completely pooped (pardon the pun). Makes me wonder what's worse and harder to do. Burning stuff or liquefying stuff?
PS. There are 161 tiles on the floor of my toilet.
PS. There are 161 tiles on the floor of my toilet.
29 Nov 2005
I'm Hot Stuff
Today, the bear is officially hot stuff. Went to visit the doctor earlier today coz was feeling like shit (and looking like it too, if you asked some people). Had my temperature taken and the termometer read 39.3 C. Doctor has this look on her face. The kind of look that goes, "What? You waiting to lose a limb before coming to see me?". I got 3 days MC. Oh well, something good has come out of it after all.
4 Nov 2005
Nostalgia Rules The Day
Argh!!! This is the 2nd time I'm typing this post because the first got eaten by the back button. Let this be a lesson. Save. Save. Save.
Anyway, like I was saying before.....I've reached an age where I believe I'm allowed to be nostalgic (i.e. I'm old enough that I actually have more stuff to be nostalgic about than the available time over a weekend would allow.)

First of all, today I built myself an iPod dock out of Lego. This is like the first time I've built something not displayed on the Lego box in about 15 years. It's been a long time since I've tried to built something from scratch out of Lego. Admittedly, I no longer have as many pieces as I used to. I think I made a pretty decent job of it. It's still a work in progress, so I might add some stuff at a latter date....for now, it does it's job of saving me $60 and buying a real dock.
Also, Channel 5 decided to be nostalgic and broadcasted 2 movies today. Both were movies I enjoyed as a kid, one I'm not embarrassed to say I liked, the other I am a bit embarrassed to say I liked.
The first was Goonies. I have to admit, that from my point of view, this movie has aged well. Seeing after so many years (I first watched it when I was 10), I found I was still able to sit and watch the entire movie. Few movies nowadays grab my attention for more than 20 minutes.
The second was Power Rangers the Movie. This one hasn't aged so well. In fact, I actually cringed a little when I was watching this today. I guess I had less refined taste as a kid. The soundtrack is pretty good though.
While both movies had pretty corny dialogue, the Power Rangers had to be at least 10 times cornier than Goonies. It funny to think that an adult actually thought that "Go go Power Rangers" was an acceptable line to put in a script. Oh well!
Anyhow, nostalgia is good and all but I think it's time to return to the present.
Anyway, like I was saying before.....I've reached an age where I believe I'm allowed to be nostalgic (i.e. I'm old enough that I actually have more stuff to be nostalgic about than the available time over a weekend would allow.)

First of all, today I built myself an iPod dock out of Lego. This is like the first time I've built something not displayed on the Lego box in about 15 years. It's been a long time since I've tried to built something from scratch out of Lego. Admittedly, I no longer have as many pieces as I used to. I think I made a pretty decent job of it. It's still a work in progress, so I might add some stuff at a latter date....for now, it does it's job of saving me $60 and buying a real dock.
Also, Channel 5 decided to be nostalgic and broadcasted 2 movies today. Both were movies I enjoyed as a kid, one I'm not embarrassed to say I liked, the other I am a bit embarrassed to say I liked.
The first was Goonies. I have to admit, that from my point of view, this movie has aged well. Seeing after so many years (I first watched it when I was 10), I found I was still able to sit and watch the entire movie. Few movies nowadays grab my attention for more than 20 minutes.
The second was Power Rangers the Movie. This one hasn't aged so well. In fact, I actually cringed a little when I was watching this today. I guess I had less refined taste as a kid. The soundtrack is pretty good though.
While both movies had pretty corny dialogue, the Power Rangers had to be at least 10 times cornier than Goonies. It funny to think that an adult actually thought that "Go go Power Rangers" was an acceptable line to put in a script. Oh well!
Anyhow, nostalgia is good and all but I think it's time to return to the present.
6 Oct 2005
Fat People are the Lorries of the Swimming Pool
Have you ever been almost or actually pushed of the road and onto the muddy or sandy road shoulder because some huge lorry is coming the other way and is taking up way more road than they are rightfully allowed too? I think the answer would be yes.
I have always thought that this phenomen only happens on the roads, where the rule of size (irrelevant of what the traffic police says) always wins out.
"I'm a big lorry. You are a puny car. You get OUT of my way."
Well, sadly, this rule also applies in the swimming pool. I've experienced it first hand. It was suppose to be a nice swim but turn out otherwise. This person who is severely gravitationally enhanced, i.e. fat like a whale, decided that he was going to swim along the same lane as me. Bear in mind that the pool was crowded so this lane had about 3 other people in it including me.
So guess what happens next, he doesn't move out of the way. Doesn't even try to give way. Just swims in a damn straight line and damn slowly too. Ever climb up a mountain on a single lane road stuck behind a lorry. That's what it felt like. It was even worse if you were coming head on. It was either move out of the way or get run (swum) down by this tub of lard.
Don't get me started on the size of his swimtrunks. Given his size, they were miniscule. It was gross. Fat was flopping all around everywhere. I'm a bear and bears have a decent amount of fat so if a bear gets grossed out at this sight, it was BAD.
So the next time you are in the pool and see a tub of lard in really small trunks about to go take a swim, do the right thing. Call your local aquarium and tell that that they lost a whale and should come retrieve it immediately.
I have always thought that this phenomen only happens on the roads, where the rule of size (irrelevant of what the traffic police says) always wins out.
"I'm a big lorry. You are a puny car. You get OUT of my way."
Well, sadly, this rule also applies in the swimming pool. I've experienced it first hand. It was suppose to be a nice swim but turn out otherwise. This person who is severely gravitationally enhanced, i.e. fat like a whale, decided that he was going to swim along the same lane as me. Bear in mind that the pool was crowded so this lane had about 3 other people in it including me.
So guess what happens next, he doesn't move out of the way. Doesn't even try to give way. Just swims in a damn straight line and damn slowly too. Ever climb up a mountain on a single lane road stuck behind a lorry. That's what it felt like. It was even worse if you were coming head on. It was either move out of the way or get run (swum) down by this tub of lard.
Don't get me started on the size of his swimtrunks. Given his size, they were miniscule. It was gross. Fat was flopping all around everywhere. I'm a bear and bears have a decent amount of fat so if a bear gets grossed out at this sight, it was BAD.
So the next time you are in the pool and see a tub of lard in really small trunks about to go take a swim, do the right thing. Call your local aquarium and tell that that they lost a whale and should come retrieve it immediately.
26 Sept 2005
Nomination for worse movie of the year
This year would be the year where the science fiction movies are so deep into fiction, you would be hard pressed to find any science in there.
The first one that comes to mind is Stealth. That movie was such a travesty to science that even Popular Science wrote an article saying what a load of crap that was. I guess it would help if there was a cute chick/great acting/decent story in the movie somewhere but there isn't. The action sucked. The acting sucked more and the plot made Swiss Cheese look solid. Jamie Foxx got lucky. His character gets killed off within the first 30 minutes of the movie. (Probably coz he's black and therefore can't be the hero.)
The second movie that makes even Stealth look good is A Sound of Thunder. I won't go into how bad this movie is. Suffice to say, I watched and felt like my IQ just went down by 50% by the end of the movie.
The first one that comes to mind is Stealth. That movie was such a travesty to science that even Popular Science wrote an article saying what a load of crap that was. I guess it would help if there was a cute chick/great acting/decent story in the movie somewhere but there isn't. The action sucked. The acting sucked more and the plot made Swiss Cheese look solid. Jamie Foxx got lucky. His character gets killed off within the first 30 minutes of the movie. (Probably coz he's black and therefore can't be the hero.)
The second movie that makes even Stealth look good is A Sound of Thunder. I won't go into how bad this movie is. Suffice to say, I watched and felt like my IQ just went down by 50% by the end of the movie.
22 Sept 2005
Attack of the Zzzzz Monster
As I sit here, after lunch,
Staring at an LCD,
I feel it coming,
Lurking, waiting,
It pounces,
I'm aware but can do nothing,
I get very very sleepy,
The Zzzzz strikes again.
Staring at an LCD,
I feel it coming,
Lurking, waiting,
It pounces,
I'm aware but can do nothing,
I get very very sleepy,
The Zzzzz strikes again.
9 Sept 2005
I read somewhere that when God closes a door on you, somewhere he opens another. I think I've just been through such an experience. Nothing happens without reason. There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason, you just need to keep the faith and don't give up.
7 Sept 2005
A Quiet Seething Rage
Have you ever hated someone so much that the very sight of them makes your blood boil? That you need no reason to justify this hatred. You just know that you hate the person and you want this person to burn forever in the eternal fires of hell.
I know what that feels like. Mention this persons name to me and I seeth with rage inside. No loud voices, no rude words, just a cold quiet seething rage. A rage so bad, that if left unchecked could lead to terrible things.
Anyway, on a lighter note.....there is no lighter note. This is one damn angry rant.
I know what that feels like. Mention this persons name to me and I seeth with rage inside. No loud voices, no rude words, just a cold quiet seething rage. A rage so bad, that if left unchecked could lead to terrible things.
Anyway, on a lighter note.....there is no lighter note. This is one damn angry rant.
6 Sept 2005
The Hypocrisy of September
September is the start of the financial year for the firm I work for. September also happens to be the one month in the entire year that I totally despise my bosses. Why? It is because, this is the month they are on full hypocrite mood.
- They pretend to be your best friend.
- Suddenly show an interest in the work you have been doing for them
- Make you coffee (Ok, I'm making this one up. In 100 years, I don't think my boss would ever make me coffee.)
- Want to talk to you face to face, when for most part of the years, she can't even remember your name.
- HR tells you that you need to go see your boss coz she knows she's being ignoring her minions (underlings, slaves, whatever rocks your boat.) and would like to make a change .
I could go on. Suffice to say, I don't like my firm in September.
PS. Now that I think about it, it's about the same things in August too. Just less of the ignoring and wanting to make a change nonsense. I think I'm not going like my firm in August too.
- They pretend to be your best friend.
- Suddenly show an interest in the work you have been doing for them
- Make you coffee (Ok, I'm making this one up. In 100 years, I don't think my boss would ever make me coffee.)
- Want to talk to you face to face, when for most part of the years, she can't even remember your name.
- HR tells you that you need to go see your boss coz she knows she's being ignoring her minions (underlings, slaves, whatever rocks your boat.) and would like to make a change .
I could go on. Suffice to say, I don't like my firm in September.
PS. Now that I think about it, it's about the same things in August too. Just less of the ignoring and wanting to make a change nonsense. I think I'm not going like my firm in August too.
22 Aug 2005
The idiosyncrasies of Work
Just a few things I've been pondering about.....mostly concerning work but a couple of other weird stuff too.
We live a world where speaking is becoming passe. No one seems to talk anymore. The preferred means of conversation nowadays are instant messaging, SMS and blogging.
Notice how as people get older, they get more paranoid? I wonder if this also applies to governments. The older the government get, the more paranoid they become. Everything is suddenly a threat to them. An elected president is a danger so what do they do? Make sure the elected president is not elected. What do you have? The non-elected elected president. Hooray!!! Democracy lives on.
People don't care about politics anymore. The only people who care are the politicians and Michael Moore. For the rest of us out there, it doesn't matter who's up there. It's just going to be the same sh*t in a different flavour. More people were upset that there wasn't a public holiday than the fact that they didn't get to vote for a new president again.
Manners seem to be going down the drain. It's flu season or at least the time of the year when everyone seems to be getting sick. There's a lot of coughing and sneezing but not enough of mouth closing when sneezing. They must be thinking, "Gee, I already work in a hospital. I guess a few million more germs in the air wouldn't hurt. Helps nearby." Maybe it's worse, "It is my right to sneeze with my mouth open and darn it, I will do it even if it kills the guy sitting next to me."
Guess it didn't end up being all about work. If you have an issue with that, text me. I don't think my tongue works anymore.
We live a world where speaking is becoming passe. No one seems to talk anymore. The preferred means of conversation nowadays are instant messaging, SMS and blogging.
- If you wanted to ask someone if they were free for dinner, you don't call them. You sent them a text message.
- Want to ask your colleague who sits directly opposite you a question? You don't get up and walk over and ask him or her. Nope! That's too much effort. Send an instant message.
- Want to complain to the whole world about something, blog about it. (Yes, I do realise the irony of that statement.)
Notice how as people get older, they get more paranoid? I wonder if this also applies to governments. The older the government get, the more paranoid they become. Everything is suddenly a threat to them. An elected president is a danger so what do they do? Make sure the elected president is not elected. What do you have? The non-elected elected president. Hooray!!! Democracy lives on.
People don't care about politics anymore. The only people who care are the politicians and Michael Moore. For the rest of us out there, it doesn't matter who's up there. It's just going to be the same sh*t in a different flavour. More people were upset that there wasn't a public holiday than the fact that they didn't get to vote for a new president again.
Manners seem to be going down the drain. It's flu season or at least the time of the year when everyone seems to be getting sick. There's a lot of coughing and sneezing but not enough of mouth closing when sneezing. They must be thinking, "Gee, I already work in a hospital. I guess a few million more germs in the air wouldn't hurt. Helps nearby." Maybe it's worse, "It is my right to sneeze with my mouth open and darn it, I will do it even if it kills the guy sitting next to me."
Guess it didn't end up being all about work. If you have an issue with that, text me. I don't think my tongue works anymore.
25 July 2005
Miscellaneous Ramblings Again
Just a couple of random thoughts in my brain:
I've become the person my brother uses for quotes in his line of work, whether I actually said them or not. Does this constitute identity theft?
Sometimes, when you are having a bad day, at the end of day, could be around 11:50 pm, something good happens and you think, "Hmmm, maybe today wasn't so bad after all." Talk about last minute redemption
Why is it the more you want something, the harder it is to get? I worry than when I finally do get it, I would realised that I didn't really want it in the first place. Talk about wasted effort.
Natives of the forest chop down trees. Timber barons chop down trees. Assuming timber barons didn't exist, trees would still be chopped down by the natives. All populations grow. At some point, there would be so many natives chopping down trees, there would be no trees left either. I guess we just accelarated that process.
A fat man who bends over and shows the world his butt crack is considered disgusting. A fat woman? It is still disgusting. Just coz it's a woman doesn't make it any better. There is a reason the average butt crack remains hidden from sight.
Modern man is too dependant on machines. The vaccumn died and suddenly cleaning the house just became 100 times tougher.
Which came first? The man who invented the high heel to torture women or the woman who invented the tie to torture men.
It is 33 to 35 Celcius on a regular day in this country. For some unknown reason, the men have to wear shirt and ties and the women business suits. So they get very hot and the air-conditioning has to be turned up or everyone dies of heat stroke. Why not just let everyone where polo tees or other casual (less heat generating stuff)? We would save on the time spent complaining about the heat and the electricity bill for the air-conditioning.
Lastly, does it really matter where the cow produces the milk comes from or where the milk is processed? I figure the processing does more to the taste than the cow ever could. So what's the deal with the Australian milk packaged in Indonesia and sold in Singapore???
I've become the person my brother uses for quotes in his line of work, whether I actually said them or not. Does this constitute identity theft?
Sometimes, when you are having a bad day, at the end of day, could be around 11:50 pm, something good happens and you think, "Hmmm, maybe today wasn't so bad after all." Talk about last minute redemption
Why is it the more you want something, the harder it is to get? I worry than when I finally do get it, I would realised that I didn't really want it in the first place. Talk about wasted effort.
Natives of the forest chop down trees. Timber barons chop down trees. Assuming timber barons didn't exist, trees would still be chopped down by the natives. All populations grow. At some point, there would be so many natives chopping down trees, there would be no trees left either. I guess we just accelarated that process.
A fat man who bends over and shows the world his butt crack is considered disgusting. A fat woman? It is still disgusting. Just coz it's a woman doesn't make it any better. There is a reason the average butt crack remains hidden from sight.
Modern man is too dependant on machines. The vaccumn died and suddenly cleaning the house just became 100 times tougher.
Which came first? The man who invented the high heel to torture women or the woman who invented the tie to torture men.
It is 33 to 35 Celcius on a regular day in this country. For some unknown reason, the men have to wear shirt and ties and the women business suits. So they get very hot and the air-conditioning has to be turned up or everyone dies of heat stroke. Why not just let everyone where polo tees or other casual (less heat generating stuff)? We would save on the time spent complaining about the heat and the electricity bill for the air-conditioning.
Lastly, does it really matter where the cow produces the milk comes from or where the milk is processed? I figure the processing does more to the taste than the cow ever could. So what's the deal with the Australian milk packaged in Indonesia and sold in Singapore???
9 July 2005
National Day Parade Rehearsal 2005
This would have to be the unlikeliest place (to me anyway) that I would have ever expected to be writing an entry to this ridiculous blog of mine.
Where and why?
On the 33rd Floor of an office building, my place of work, with a bird's eye view of the Padang, where about 50,000 people are sitting and watching a rehearsal of the upcoming National Day Parade, being encouraged by cheerleaders ( I kid you not) while here I am, as disinterested as any human being could possible be about the National Day Parade and I have one of the best views in the house. Also, it's a Saturday at 5:35 pm and I'm at work!!!!
So what can I see of the National Day Parade from where I sit? I see a circular stage in the middle of a rectangular field, with seats on 4 sides and a road along on side of it. The bands are along the 4 quarters of the circular section and as far as I can tell, there's a whole lot of people of the field just running everywhere. They look like ants when you start trying to kill them, running everywhere.
What else can I see or hear? Well, everynow and then, whenever the annoucer, who by the way speaks like an "American", the whole crowd cheers. I doubt they understand him coz I think even his poor mother would have trouble understanding him.
The Surpreme Court building if finished. The flying saucer is firmly entrenched on the roof. Wish they had bother to take it away but I guess, it fits, coz everyone already thinks the judges are from another planet and now have a building to prove it.
The little ants have run of the field but for the last 10 minutes nothing has happened. The announcer is still announcing but no one has come on. No planes have flew past. Nothing!!! And the crowd cheers at nothing again.
Oh wait, they have started to sign a song.....a really bad excruciatingly bad song.....I think I will shut my ears off right now.
Oh well, I'm bored and I'm sure whoever is reading this is also bored so I'll stop here.
Where and why?
On the 33rd Floor of an office building, my place of work, with a bird's eye view of the Padang, where about 50,000 people are sitting and watching a rehearsal of the upcoming National Day Parade, being encouraged by cheerleaders ( I kid you not) while here I am, as disinterested as any human being could possible be about the National Day Parade and I have one of the best views in the house. Also, it's a Saturday at 5:35 pm and I'm at work!!!!
So what can I see of the National Day Parade from where I sit? I see a circular stage in the middle of a rectangular field, with seats on 4 sides and a road along on side of it. The bands are along the 4 quarters of the circular section and as far as I can tell, there's a whole lot of people of the field just running everywhere. They look like ants when you start trying to kill them, running everywhere.
What else can I see or hear? Well, everynow and then, whenever the annoucer, who by the way speaks like an "American", the whole crowd cheers. I doubt they understand him coz I think even his poor mother would have trouble understanding him.
The Surpreme Court building if finished. The flying saucer is firmly entrenched on the roof. Wish they had bother to take it away but I guess, it fits, coz everyone already thinks the judges are from another planet and now have a building to prove it.
The little ants have run of the field but for the last 10 minutes nothing has happened. The announcer is still announcing but no one has come on. No planes have flew past. Nothing!!! And the crowd cheers at nothing again.
Oh wait, they have started to sign a song.....a really bad excruciatingly bad song.....I think I will shut my ears off right now.
Oh well, I'm bored and I'm sure whoever is reading this is also bored so I'll stop here.
7 June 2005
The Art of Blogging
It seems that everyone one out there and his dog, cat or fish has a blog nowadays. Heck, even I have one and the biologist still don't know what to classify me as.....for now, I'm just that weird looking bear that types and need a new keyboard every couple of days.
Blogs, in case most of you haven't noticed, come in 2 flavours...............vanilla and chocolate.........actually, they are ones that seem to be a really boring news report on what happened to so and so at a certain time and what so and so thinks or feels about it and the other is something like this, where some large furry mammal tries to be funny (failing pitifully most of the time) on the web.
Why do I say that there is an art to blogging? Plain and simple, some blogs are just so damn boring. Others read like the Confessions of a Teenage Bimbo (problem is, the blogger is already over 20). Just a distraction, if someone who writes a blog is called a blogger, does that make the person reading it a blogee?
Now a good blog would hold the readers (blogee)'s attention and not let go. They would not try to make their point 4 paragraphs into the blog (oops!). Also a good blog would have lots of pictures (double oops!!), the skankier, the better but if I never see GOATSE again, it would be too soon. Also a good blog written by a good blogger would not be complete random. Man, have you seen the price of petrol nowadays.
So in summary, not that there's plenty to summarise, a good blog is not this one.
Blogs, in case most of you haven't noticed, come in 2 flavours...............vanilla and chocolate.........actually, they are ones that seem to be a really boring news report on what happened to so and so at a certain time and what so and so thinks or feels about it and the other is something like this, where some large furry mammal tries to be funny (failing pitifully most of the time) on the web.
Why do I say that there is an art to blogging? Plain and simple, some blogs are just so damn boring. Others read like the Confessions of a Teenage Bimbo (problem is, the blogger is already over 20). Just a distraction, if someone who writes a blog is called a blogger, does that make the person reading it a blogee?
Now a good blog would hold the readers (blogee)'s attention and not let go. They would not try to make their point 4 paragraphs into the blog (oops!). Also a good blog would have lots of pictures (double oops!!), the skankier, the better but if I never see GOATSE again, it would be too soon. Also a good blog written by a good blogger would not be complete random. Man, have you seen the price of petrol nowadays.
So in summary, not that there's plenty to summarise, a good blog is not this one.
21 May 2005
Goodbye Star Wars
Let me get this off my chest, I am a confirmed Star Wars nut. No question about it. I'm one of the few people on this planet, (6 in total I think) that do not believe the Ewoks was a bad idea, that Jar Jar Binks should be executed and Hayden Christensen makes Keanu Reeves look like a freaking good actor. Ok, maybe on the last one, I do agreee. He can't act. Both of them.
This brings me to the main point I wanted to bring up, which is the fact that the last of the Star Wars movies are over. Finito. Habis. Kaput. The End. We seen Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader. We've seen how the Palpatine becomes the hideously disfigured Emperor. It's over and I for am upset.
Upset not because the movie was bad. It was good. Wooden dialogue and all. I'm upset because it seems like an end to an era of sci-fi in cinemas and movies. No more Star Wars movies. No more Star Trek TV series. No more Sta Trek movies. What are us nerds out there going to watch? It's like a whole genre of entertainment has come to an end.
Are there no more good sci-fi stories out there to tell. Has space finally been conquered, explored and basically, we've seen it all? I don't think so. So come on, anyone, someone, bring sci-fi back. I'll be here waiting.
This brings me to the main point I wanted to bring up, which is the fact that the last of the Star Wars movies are over. Finito. Habis. Kaput. The End. We seen Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader. We've seen how the Palpatine becomes the hideously disfigured Emperor. It's over and I for am upset.
Upset not because the movie was bad. It was good. Wooden dialogue and all. I'm upset because it seems like an end to an era of sci-fi in cinemas and movies. No more Star Wars movies. No more Star Trek TV series. No more Sta Trek movies. What are us nerds out there going to watch? It's like a whole genre of entertainment has come to an end.
Are there no more good sci-fi stories out there to tell. Has space finally been conquered, explored and basically, we've seen it all? I don't think so. So come on, anyone, someone, bring sci-fi back. I'll be here waiting.
17 May 2005
Is anybody out there?
So, three blog entries later, it hits me. Is anyone out there reading this thing or am I writing for the webcrawlers and bots entertainment? I'm pretty sure they need some entertainment.
Over a billion pages out there on the internet and if you take out the porn pages, you are left with maybe 10 pages. Last time I checked, webcrawlers don't have a gender. It's not like they are both male or female, or sometimes male, sometimes female. They just don't have a gender, meaning they don't have sex, meaning they don't get turned on (or off) by porn., meaning they have a damn boring time surfing the web......that is until they reach this page, then they know there is no meaning to the web at all and they just go back to a small corner of the internet to curl up and wilt away.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Is anyone reading this thing? I would appreciate a commment or 2. More is always better, which lead me to think....which is always a bad idea. Seeing how difficult it was for me to get a decent name for this blog, does anyone read all the stuff out there? Are they enough eyes out there to read all these thoughts (Some pretty good. Not naming any names here.) that are constantly being put onto the internet? I'm not sure.
So, to renew my faith in blogging, will someone please write a comment.......don't make me write my own.
Over a billion pages out there on the internet and if you take out the porn pages, you are left with maybe 10 pages. Last time I checked, webcrawlers don't have a gender. It's not like they are both male or female, or sometimes male, sometimes female. They just don't have a gender, meaning they don't have sex, meaning they don't get turned on (or off) by porn., meaning they have a damn boring time surfing the web......that is until they reach this page, then they know there is no meaning to the web at all and they just go back to a small corner of the internet to curl up and wilt away.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Is anyone reading this thing? I would appreciate a commment or 2. More is always better, which lead me to think....which is always a bad idea. Seeing how difficult it was for me to get a decent name for this blog, does anyone read all the stuff out there? Are they enough eyes out there to read all these thoughts (Some pretty good. Not naming any names here.) that are constantly being put onto the internet? I'm not sure.
So, to renew my faith in blogging, will someone please write a comment.......don't make me write my own.
12 May 2005
Random Ranting and Raving
Just a couple of nonsensical stuff that has crossed my mind recently.
1. Drivers
How is it that a country where in order to get a driver's license, you take over a year (if you are really good and don't fail anything) to finish all the required classes and practicals to pass and get your driver's license can't produce any decent drivers?
For example, in the slip roads to the highways, there always traffic backed up for miles but traffic is flowing smoothly on the highway. Doesn't anyone know how to merge into traffic? Also, when in the fastest lane of a four lane highway, don't just decide to go straight from the fastest lane to the slowest lane immediately. Cutting across 4 lanes in one go is not cool.
2. Drivers again
In a country where it takes an average of 3 weeks to get a driver's license and most of people on the road drive at least 50km/h above the speed limit, which the kind of skill that would make Schumacher proud, the only F1 driver they managed to produce was a weedy idiot who didn't even manage to finish a single race. Makes you wonder how they found this jackass.
"Hmmmm, lets see who drives within the speed limit and is the safest driver on the road. He would be perfect for F1."
3. 3G
What's the deal with 3G? Ooooo!!! Video Calls!!! I must really do that on a mobile. Most people can't walk and send text messages at the same time. Now, these same people are expected to concentrate on a tiny 1.8 inch screen while walking???? I get the feeling that hospital A&E departments are about to get more crowded if this ever catches on.
Patient: Doctor, I broke my hip.
Doctor: How did this happen?
Patient: Well, I was on this video call and didn't see where I was walking.
Doctor: Serves you right. Next!
4. 3G again
I wonder if some of those telcos who paid vast sums for their 3G licenses feel like idiots about it now. Saying that 3G is taking off is similar to saying that whales are about to take to the air. Not happening.
As far as I can't tell, you can't do much with 3G. I can't even watch soccer. The screen is so small and the resolution so poor, I can't make out who's playing, much less where the ball is.
I know, make the referees use 3G phones to referee soccer games. The video of the phone is the only view of the game they are allowed. Would soccer a great deal more interesting and give Mourinho even more chance to talk rubbish.
5. This blog
This blog is turning into a cesspool of nonsense. Don't blame me. It's 12:31 am and I want to go to bed.
1. Drivers
How is it that a country where in order to get a driver's license, you take over a year (if you are really good and don't fail anything) to finish all the required classes and practicals to pass and get your driver's license can't produce any decent drivers?
For example, in the slip roads to the highways, there always traffic backed up for miles but traffic is flowing smoothly on the highway. Doesn't anyone know how to merge into traffic? Also, when in the fastest lane of a four lane highway, don't just decide to go straight from the fastest lane to the slowest lane immediately. Cutting across 4 lanes in one go is not cool.
2. Drivers again
In a country where it takes an average of 3 weeks to get a driver's license and most of people on the road drive at least 50km/h above the speed limit, which the kind of skill that would make Schumacher proud, the only F1 driver they managed to produce was a weedy idiot who didn't even manage to finish a single race. Makes you wonder how they found this jackass.
"Hmmmm, lets see who drives within the speed limit and is the safest driver on the road. He would be perfect for F1."
3. 3G
What's the deal with 3G? Ooooo!!! Video Calls!!! I must really do that on a mobile. Most people can't walk and send text messages at the same time. Now, these same people are expected to concentrate on a tiny 1.8 inch screen while walking???? I get the feeling that hospital A&E departments are about to get more crowded if this ever catches on.
Patient: Doctor, I broke my hip.
Doctor: How did this happen?
Patient: Well, I was on this video call and didn't see where I was walking.
Doctor: Serves you right. Next!
4. 3G again
I wonder if some of those telcos who paid vast sums for their 3G licenses feel like idiots about it now. Saying that 3G is taking off is similar to saying that whales are about to take to the air. Not happening.
As far as I can't tell, you can't do much with 3G. I can't even watch soccer. The screen is so small and the resolution so poor, I can't make out who's playing, much less where the ball is.
I know, make the referees use 3G phones to referee soccer games. The video of the phone is the only view of the game they are allowed. Would soccer a great deal more interesting and give Mourinho even more chance to talk rubbish.
5. This blog
This blog is turning into a cesspool of nonsense. Don't blame me. It's 12:31 am and I want to go to bed.
10 May 2005
When the last time you tried to write a CV. I'm doing right now, for the first time since I graduated (which is ages ago) and I've forgotten how much mumbo jumbo one is suppose to write in these things. I don't like blogging and I do a better job at writing this blog (some may disagree) than I do at writing a CV.
After 5 attempts, all I've managed is my name, address and well, not much else. My life seems to revolve around trying to do things multiple times before I get it right. Take the name of this blog for example.
Anyway, I figure the key points in writing ones CV is:
a) Lie
b) Lie somemore
c) Lie a whole more
d) Don't get caught lying
Oh well, back to the CV writing. Hoepfully I'll have more insights into this process after I'm done.
PS Why does modern man always makes life harder that it already is? Have you ever seen a hyroglyph of an ancient Egyptian submitting a CV? I haven't. You were either a slave or you weren't. Ah, the simple life.....
After 5 attempts, all I've managed is my name, address and well, not much else. My life seems to revolve around trying to do things multiple times before I get it right. Take the name of this blog for example.
Anyway, I figure the key points in writing ones CV is:
a) Lie
b) Lie somemore
c) Lie a whole more
d) Don't get caught lying
Oh well, back to the CV writing. Hoepfully I'll have more insights into this process after I'm done.
PS Why does modern man always makes life harder that it already is? Have you ever seen a hyroglyph of an ancient Egyptian submitting a CV? I haven't. You were either a slave or you weren't. Ah, the simple life.....
At last!!!!! %$^#&%$%#*
This was suppose to be a witty first post but after spending a freaking 2 hours trying to find a blog address on blogspot that wasn't used, I lost my mood.
So here it is, the first post ever on the the Bohmox blog.
Why Bohmox? What kind of intoxicated, weed smoking individual comes up the name Bohmox? The same one that spent so long tryin to find a name for his blog because there are a 100 million people out there who already have a blog and have used every decent name in the English and every other language out there.
So where does Bohmox come from? Well, when you first try to create a blog, Blogspot ask you to enter some characters into a text box from an image they display. Well, after the 100 attempt to find a working name, mine said Bohmox. It was going to be Ahhjbb but apparently that in use by some other frustrated soul out there.
So what's Bohmox all about??? Beats me. I figure, I'm just going to post random thoughts (random being in the running for the "Understatement of the Year award") every now and then. Probably more then than now.
Have fun reading.....and if you do decide to set up your own blog, find the guy/gal/dog/cat out there who has the blog address you want and kill/threaten/main/send to Michael Jackson if under 13 years of age to release the address to you and save yourself 2 hours of your life and 10 years of your sanity.
So here it is, the first post ever on the the Bohmox blog.
Why Bohmox? What kind of intoxicated, weed smoking individual comes up the name Bohmox? The same one that spent so long tryin to find a name for his blog because there are a 100 million people out there who already have a blog and have used every decent name in the English and every other language out there.
So where does Bohmox come from? Well, when you first try to create a blog, Blogspot ask you to enter some characters into a text box from an image they display. Well, after the 100 attempt to find a working name, mine said Bohmox. It was going to be Ahhjbb but apparently that in use by some other frustrated soul out there.
So what's Bohmox all about??? Beats me. I figure, I'm just going to post random thoughts (random being in the running for the "Understatement of the Year award") every now and then. Probably more then than now.
Have fun reading.....and if you do decide to set up your own blog, find the guy/gal/dog/cat out there who has the blog address you want and kill/threaten/main/send to Michael Jackson if under 13 years of age to release the address to you and save yourself 2 hours of your life and 10 years of your sanity.
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