26 Sept 2005

Nomination for worse movie of the year

This year would be the year where the science fiction movies are so deep into fiction, you would be hard pressed to find any science in there.

The first one that comes to mind is Stealth. That movie was such a travesty to science that even Popular Science wrote an article saying what a load of crap that was. I guess it would help if there was a cute chick/great acting/decent story in the movie somewhere but there isn't. The action sucked. The acting sucked more and the plot made Swiss Cheese look solid. Jamie Foxx got lucky. His character gets killed off within the first 30 minutes of the movie. (Probably coz he's black and therefore can't be the hero.)

The second movie that makes even Stealth look good is A Sound of Thunder. I won't go into how bad this movie is. Suffice to say, I watched and felt like my IQ just went down by 50% by the end of the movie.

22 Sept 2005

Attack of the Zzzzz Monster

As I sit here, after lunch,
Staring at an LCD,
I feel it coming,
Lurking, waiting,
It pounces,
I'm aware but can do nothing,
I get very very sleepy,
The Zzzzz strikes again.

9 Sept 2005


I read somewhere that when God closes a door on you, somewhere he opens another. I think I've just been through such an experience. Nothing happens without reason. There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason, you just need to keep the faith and don't give up.

7 Sept 2005

A Quiet Seething Rage

Have you ever hated someone so much that the very sight of them makes your blood boil? That you need no reason to justify this hatred. You just know that you hate the person and you want this person to burn forever in the eternal fires of hell.

I know what that feels like. Mention this persons name to me and I seeth with rage inside. No loud voices, no rude words, just a cold quiet seething rage. A rage so bad, that if left unchecked could lead to terrible things.

Anyway, on a lighter note.....there is no lighter note. This is one damn angry rant.

6 Sept 2005

The Hypocrisy of September

September is the start of the financial year for the firm I work for. September also happens to be the one month in the entire year that I totally despise my bosses. Why? It is because, this is the month they are on full hypocrite mood.

- They pretend to be your best friend.
- Suddenly show an interest in the work you have been doing for them
- Make you coffee (Ok, I'm making this one up. In 100 years, I don't think my boss would ever make me coffee.)
- Want to talk to you face to face, when for most part of the years, she can't even remember your name.
- HR tells you that you need to go see your boss coz she knows she's being ignoring her minions (underlings, slaves, whatever rocks your boat.) and would like to make a change .

I could go on. Suffice to say, I don't like my firm in September.

PS. Now that I think about it, it's about the same things in August too. Just less of the ignoring and wanting to make a change nonsense. I think I'm not going like my firm in August too.