First the hits. The first hit is a movie that I only found out after watching that it had won the Oscar for best foreign film. Yup, it's not even in English. It is called "The Lives of Other". A German movie with a really great story and acting.

Now the miss and this miss was really disappointing given how good its predecessors were. I'm writing about "Spiderman 3". If there was a crappier movie released this year, I haven't seen it yet. I have a feeling that "Transformers" might challenge Spiderman 3 for crapness but until I see it I can't say. What a pointless movie Spiderman 3 was. The story was horrible, esspecially for a Spiderman movie which always had better stories compared to other comic book turned movie stories. At the end of Spiderman 3, you didn't feel for Peter Parker. In fact, you think he was the world's biggest jerk and should just have been killed.
In conclusion, if you are going to watch just one movie this year, let it not be Spiderman 3.